Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Local News with a Twist

Penn Township Police Taser Student.
After school Friday the 21st of September a Penn Trafford Student was tasered five times according to school offical's.

Officer Lock , who was directing traffic outside the school entrance was called to the high school for a disruption.

A female student was threatening sucide. The schools' principal Scott Inglese shouted to the officer to stop the girl.

The girls boyfriend jumped on the officer and then the officer tasered him five times.

Was it really necessary for the officer to taser the student five times;not only is tasing a person harmful, it can cause death.

Is this going to be a common occurence in the Penn Township High School?
Is Officer Otto going to carry a taser and use it whenever he feels it is necessary.
These are question's Penn Township Parent's need to ask.

If my son or daughter is ever tasered in their high school, there will be hell to pay.

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