Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Local News with a Twist

Penn Township Police Taser Student.
After school Friday the 21st of September a Penn Trafford Student was tasered five times according to school offical's.

Officer Lock , who was directing traffic outside the school entrance was called to the high school for a disruption.

A female student was threatening sucide. The schools' principal Scott Inglese shouted to the officer to stop the girl.

The girls boyfriend jumped on the officer and then the officer tasered him five times.

Was it really necessary for the officer to taser the student five times;not only is tasing a person harmful, it can cause death.

Is this going to be a common occurence in the Penn Township High School?
Is Officer Otto going to carry a taser and use it whenever he feels it is necessary.
These are question's Penn Township Parent's need to ask.

If my son or daughter is ever tasered in their high school, there will be hell to pay.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Penn Township News with a Twist

Penn Township Police Have New Car'sDrive beware, new car's in Pt

You may be pulled over by a Pt Police cruiser and not be aware that the driver is one of our finest. These new cruiser's are not the typical white and black or the plain cruiser on the road. PT Police have a new maroon colored cruiser. The new cruiser's are catching driver's off guard.

Penn Township Fall Festival

September 21-23Friday, September 21, 5:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.

Saturday,September 22,9:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.-9:30 p.m.

Sunday, September 23, 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

The festival is to have fall day's filled with fun, food, Entertainment.

Local's are looking forward to filling their stomach and emptying their pockets.
Where is the money going to go? I spoke with Bruce Light, township manager Tuesday September 18. He explained to me that funds generated were to go back into the event for future festivals. Some of the proceeds are going to be donated from venders Recsue 6, a few of the booths are the Game of Chance and Bingo.

After you stuff yourself silly and pass out you can be assured the money you spent will help get you to the hospital.

Schedule events for Sept 21, 2007
5:00 p.m. Opening Ceremony
5:15 p.m. Gus Matrisch (solo)
6:20 p.m. Drew Bentley Trio
7:40 p.m. Curtis Franciscus(soloist)
9:00 p.m. JJ Mason(Justin Hale)
All Day Crafts and food vendors, games, and rides

Saturday, September 22, 200710:00 a.m. Parade
12:00 p.m. Car Cruise
12:00 p.m Voices in you head
12:45 p.m. PT Alumni Band
2:00 p.m Hot Dog Eating Contest(just what fattest nation in America needs)
3:30 p.m. Leah Fscher/PT Chorus
4:50 p.m. Our Neighbor Carl
6:10 p.m. Thin on Top
7:30 p.m. Soul Searchers
9:30 p.m. Fire Works
All Day Crafts and food vendors, games, and rides.

Sunday, September 23, 20079:00 a.m. Community Flea Market Begins( more junk)
4:00 p.m Ecumenical Service and Closing Ceremony
All Day Crafts and food vendors, games, and rides

Pet Friends to Hold Animal fair and Pet Parade
October 13 at Oak Hollow Park in North Huntingdon Pet Friends is holding a its third annual Animal Fair and Pet Parade.
Events start at 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. If your not a people person this is the place to be.
Events will include:
K-9 demo
4-H rabbit Exhibition
Dog and Pet Parade

Friday, September 14, 2007

Penn Township Local News with and Edge

Penn Township may have a ramp to allow turnpike access.

This may be great for getting to Cranberry Township, but it may aid to unwelcome visitors to do business with our quiet residents, such as home invaders, and drug dealers.

Penn Township meeting had some unhappy residents voicing their concerns about proposed batting cages where the once Pecora dairy store was. Residents want to stop Ralph Nicassio from installing batting Cages that may disrupt their neighborhood.

This property is zoned architectural which could mean a private club similar to Soprano's Bing; Mull High residents should not complain.

Penn Trafford Seniors should not have to pay for their yearbooks. Parents pay enough with the senior page!

Penn Township Festival is next weekend 21, 22, 23
All you hotdog hungry resident sign up for the hotdog eating contest.This is a great idea when overweight children are at an all time high in America! Keep those hot dogs coming!

Thursday, September 13, 2007



Drivers Beware
Penn Township cops are out of control. Their on every corner pulling over anyone, and everyone. I realize they need to make their quota. The more tickets the more donuts!

Most ticketed Roads
Pleasant Valley
Harrison Park

Where is Dr. Kolony
Our top paid administrator's are never in their offices. Where oh where are they???

High School student have no where to pee
High School Administrator's had more than enough time to complete remodeling on the high school bathrooms. It's embarrassing that 16 and 17 year old's are messing their pants. Get on the ball administrator's !

Last week school administrator's sent home a note informing parents that MRSA may look like a pimple or boil. That takes care of entire high school population!

Penn Trafford Football
Each player got new full body gear! What's up with that when parents had to spend 100 dollars on a graphic calculator. It amazes me how athletics come first before academics!